Coral Coast Specials and Discounts

Between Navi and Suva is a stretch of coastline of about 80 kilometers called the Coral Coast, which is considered to be one of Fiji’s main tourist areas. The Coral Coast has numerous resorts located along the coastline and several on islands just off the coast.
When in the Coral Coast, Sigatoka is definitely worth a visit and there a loads of different activities throughout the coral Coast located near the coast as well as through Fiji's highlands. Especially the Sunset Strip which includes small resorts and restaurants with great meals and the opportunity to watch an amazing sunset while enjoying local Fijian food as well as a wide range of burgers, pizza, curries and sushi.
For a closer look at what is offered within the Coral Coast or where to go you can click the map on the right to enlarge the image.

Coral Coast discount activities food drinks restaurant

Save Money on Tours & Activities

Coral Coast offers loads of different activities throughout the coast as well as through Fiji's highlands with day trips, hikes and other tours being offered on a daily basis and cultural experiences such as village trips, local heritage tours and a trip to a pottery-village.

The discounts for tours and activities in Coral Coast will arrive shortly, meanwhile we recommend having a look at the activities and boat trips offered within Coral Coast on our activities and island hopping pages.

Discounts on Bars & Restaurants
The Coral Coasts offers a variety of restaurants and bars that offer mixed cuisines such as Fijian, Italian, Indian, Mediterranean and BBQ food. With most places located near the ocean front, going out for food often goes paired with a stunning ocean view.
The discounts for bars and restaurants within the Coral Coast will arrive shortly, meanwhile we recommend having a look at the activities and boat trips offered within Coral Coast on our activities and island hopping pages.
Discounts on Fishing Trips
The Coral Coasts offers a variety of restaurants and bars that offer mixed cuisines such as Fijian, Italian, Indian, Mediterranean and BBQ food. With most places located near the ocean front, going out for food often goes paired with a stunning ocean view.
The discounts for bars and restaurants within the Coral Coast will arrive shortly, meanwhile we recommend having a look at the activities and boat trips offered within Coral Coast on our activities and island hopping pages.
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